Inscriptions in a Digital Environment: An Introduction to EpiDoc for Byzantinists

Date: Apr 5, 2024 Time: 11:00 AM–3:00 PM

In this three-part workshop, led by Martina Filosa, participants will learn the basics of using EpiDoc and EFES (EpiDoc Front-End Services) to digitally encode and view inscriptions in an online environment.

About the Workshop Leader

Martina Filosa, University of Cologne

Martina Filosa is a postgraduate fellow in Byzantine Studies at the University of Cologne, specializing in Byzantine Sigillography. Her research interests encompass the administration of charitable institutions—such as orphanages, hospitals, and old age homes—during the middle—Byzantine period, which is the topic of her PhD thesis, Byzantine prosopography, catena-type commentaries to the Psalter, and the application of Digital Humanities to Byzantine Sigillography, Epigraphy, and Paleography, with a specific focus on data modeling and X-technologies. She is actively involved in various projects on this topic, including the initiative funded by the Volkswagen Foundation titled “Creating a Sustainable Digital Infrastructure for Research-Based Teaching in Byzantine Studies” and the French-German project jointly funded by the Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft and the French Agence Nationale de la Recherche titled “Unlocking the Hidden Value of Seals: New Methodologies for Historical Research in Byzantine Studies.” Additionally, she serves on the editorial board of the Digital Classicist Wiki and is an active member of the EpiDoc community.